Welcome to the first blog post for Contentys.com
Last July after many successful years running Ufindus.com and Customer Street, myself and Mark Hallam, my long-term business partner, sold our business to BT plc. Its more than a year since that transfer of ownership and now its time for Mark and I to start our latest internet business.
While it was great fun starting, building and ultimately selling Ufindus and Customer Street we always knew that we would be excited to start again some time and that time has come a lot sooner than we expected, mainly due to the boredom of being off work all this time. We both genuinely thrive on being involved in the internet sector and have some great ideas we want to bring to market. While both of us considered stepping out of this sector and had some other great ideas we ultimately feel that you are best sticking to what you know and so Mark and I are working on launching our new venture under the group name of Contentys.com and another very special product that I cant reveal just yet.
During the coming months we will be working to launch this new product into the internet advertising sector and I look forward to revealing much more here during the build up. We genuinely think we have come up with a product that will shake-up this sector and provide alternative advertising methods for all businesses that either own or wish to own a website.
Stuart Forrest
While it was great fun starting, building and ultimately selling Ufindus and Customer Street we always knew that we would be excited to start again some time and that time has come a lot sooner than we expected, mainly due to the boredom of being off work all this time. We both genuinely thrive on being involved in the internet sector and have some great ideas we want to bring to market. While both of us considered stepping out of this sector and had some other great ideas we ultimately feel that you are best sticking to what you know and so Mark and I are working on launching our new venture under the group name of Contentys.com and another very special product that I cant reveal just yet.
During the coming months we will be working to launch this new product into the internet advertising sector and I look forward to revealing much more here during the build up. We genuinely think we have come up with a product that will shake-up this sector and provide alternative advertising methods for all businesses that either own or wish to own a website.
Stuart Forrest