With over 30 million cars on the road in Britain today at an ever increasing number and with the cost of windscreens rising year-on-year, this is a growing industry with great earnings potential. We supply you with the best Windscreen Repair Kit on the market by far; Glass Medic is used by major National Windscreen Companies you have probably seen Autoglass adverts. I was the first ever Glass Medic Specialist for Autoglass and have 20 years experience in Windscreen Repair so the training and market experience I have will be second to none. This is not a Franchise so you just buy the Glass Medic Kit and take the training and marketing experience I have and you go out and sell your own Glass Medic repairs, the market is massive.
The average price is of a windscreen repair is £72. 50 with the cost of the repair being £1. 00 per shot and it only takes half an hour to carry out. Http://www. Autoglass. Co. Uk/Windscreen-repair-cost. 192. 0. Html. Obviously you can charge what you like it’s your business. Most people claim the cost back from their insurance company which doesn’t affect their claims bonus so as you can see there is real money to be made.
In the garage and fleet market which is also massive there is one on every street corner, Garages offer windscreen repair as a extra service to their customers, they call you, you do the repair and charge the Garage who has been paid by the customer, they generally want a commission or you do a discount price for them so they make money.
In the fleet market and coach market you can carry out a free inspection of the fleet, I always find stone chips in the Windscreens and it saves the Transport Manager downtime and a cost effective solution. The coach market speaks for itself they really like Windscreen Repair they are not insured for glass.
There are also the used car dealers who repair the windscreens before they sell the car, so they don’t have to replace the windscreen for the customer.
The most important factor that will determine the level of your success is simply your attitude and your willingness to grow your business - if you have a good attitude and can bring some energy to the venture the Glass Medic Kit will pay for itself after a couple of months and you will have your own business part time or full time for nothing.
The price for the whole business is £800. 00 which includes the Glass Medic Kit and all the training and marketing experience I have which is vast. The rest is down to you. I have a limited number of kits so let me know if you’re interested and we can meet up and I will run through the kit and the business. When you bear in mind the kit alone is only sold at Regal which will cost you £1020. 00 http://www. Rejel. Com/rejel-store/categoryid/77/list/1/level/a/productid/11006. Aspx this is good value which includes training. If you just want the kit with the new RAS 123 had its £550. 00 Contact me direct at simon@chipscreen. Co. Uk 07904 663316