Welcome to the Plink page of Darent Wax Co LTD.
Darent Wax Co LTD is a Specialty Wax Blenders in South Darenth. If you are looking for a wax blender in the South Darenth area, then please feel free to give us a call.
Whilst we are a wax blender in the South Darenth area, we also offer our services in the following areas:
•Speciality wax blender in South Darenth.
• Depilatory wax in the UK.
• Wax blender in the South Darenth area.
•Paraffin waxes in the UK.
• Wax blender in the South Darenth area.
Depilatory wax, paraffin waxes, polyethylene waxes, casting waxes and grafting waxes, provided to the UK and also globally.
Please contact us on the details above and we will be more than happy to help you with your requirements.