I live an inspired life always creating FREEDOM for others.
I have developed extraordinary relationships with amazing people all over the world who now make up a huge part of my life and as a team we change lives.
Have trained 400,000+ people over the last 15 years at live events and reached tens of thousands more online and through DVDs and CDs.
As a result of this wealth of experience in moving, touching & inspiring people I have decided to follow my passion which is to Empower and transforn peoples thinking such that they have the skills and tools to live an inspired and effective life on purpose rather than by accident.
I believe Hindsight is better than foresight in all areas of life and can be used an a tool to live magically.
"Everyone is self made but only the successful admit it" Zig Ziglar
If Your life was a direct reflection of your past decisions, could your future be impacted by your current decisions?
For things to change YOU have to change first, quit waiting for your circumstances to change, they will change when YOU change.
Take RESPONSIBILITY for your life & Own It..... all of it. There is power in ownership and none in blame.
www.TheKalpeshPatel.comĀ is a platform for transformation, come join me and let's play this game we call life together.
Love and Success
Kalpesh x