Acupressure works along the same lines as Acupuncture only without the scary needles. If you find your self in need of a little stress relief or had enough of aching muscles and joints but don't fancy being used as a human pin cushion than look no further.
Not only will acupressure relieve your stress it'll give your Chi (energy) a much needed kick up the backside.
An Acupressure massage can be performed in as little as twenty mintues in a special chair in your home or office and is administered full clothed, and no oils, perfumes or prodcuts are used during the massage so those with carpet allergies or breathing differculties can safely experience a chair massage.
I am available for home and office visits and for pampering nights,parties, girls nights, charity events, conventions, businesses and employee well being days .
If you are interested inmy services, please contact me on the details above.